Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday Post 138e

One final good evening! Hey, how come I managed five posts today?? Hehe, cool~ XD Anyways, final, final events for tonight?
-once I finished monday Post 138d, I took myself once more slowly and safely to the loo and back, rising above the cruel and unfaithful God's hatred and not letting Him push me over. Actually, for some reason, dad won't lemme say, "I got back without letting God push me over," while PIG mum won't lemme say out aloud, "Well done for not saying what you wanted to out aloud,' but no biggie. Like I once found this saying, "our thoughts are free," but even if that's not the case, I remember the quote, "You can break my body and bend my mind, but my SOUL is NOT for YOU to possess."
-Toms: late morning torture session with Vincent the bloody physio. ><
-PIG mum's actually said she'll take me out for lunch toms @ the Calamvale Chinese and BBQ restaurant! Unfortunately, she refused to write down that promise for me, meaning she'll prolly renege on that promise. ><
-No  matter, though, coz Carol Lockwood's coming to supervise my shower toms arvo and taking me out to Toastmasters toms night! Fingers crossed PIG mum'll lemme buy a small meal/Happy Meal for dinner afterwards! Righteo, hope everyone has a smashing day toms!
Em. ^^

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