Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Thursday Post 161

Good afternoon! Alas, i'm still without Digi/pedro/anything that helps me count how many steps I've plodded today. >< So, i'll just note down that TWFT topic's 'Then jesus Came!' and start with today's events!
~Woohoo, another awesome sleep last night! nature didn't call until 7:05am and after one pot :P trip, I spent the ten minutes until 7:15am having a mostly silent chat to Percy the saint/angel, asking him please to help me with the patience, perseverance, strength and endurance I needed to get through today with, giving all the pleasure, all the satisfaction to PIG mum and just suffering for her whenever she decided that only she could be happy and/or satisfied.
-Afterwards, Daddy bear and I cuddled and snored, me waking briefly to kiss dearest dad goodbye when he left for work around 7:50am. Not three minutes passed after he'd left, before PIG mum was downstairs poking me with "fifteen more minutes."
-When she came back, I swung myself over to the pot :P once more for three more tinkles. While PIG mum was kindly preparing my breakfast, I continued my mostly silent chat to Percy the saint/angel. Afterwards, PIG mum got me kitted, gleefully FORCED :( me to walk out to the bathroom to brush teeth (poor Ela), before she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk out to the gobbling :P table.
-Breakfast was two yummy Weetbix with the smallest amount of honey ever, all my usual drugs :P plus one full mug of water. Whilst PIG mum was upstairs changing, I finished my mostly silent chat to Percy the saint/angel.
-Afterwards, PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to walk out to the 4WD and tootled me off to Writers group! Of course, she gleefully forced poor Em to buckle her own seatbelt all day; we also listened to Jacky Cheung all day, too. While PIG mum drove, Era helped Ela stretch for ten minutes, before Ela opened and closed her palm fifty times, holding each for a count of five.
-Phew, there was an available parking spot waiting for us. PIG mum took me once to the loo first, then rocked off to see someone @ chi link for a comfy massage.
-As always, group was awesome! Which reminds me, if I get the chance to return online tonight, I've gotta start writing Giant's biography for our new competition! oh, and the homework for next fortnight's 'planes'.
-Afterwards, PIG mum took me once more to the loo, then gleefully FORCED :( me to walk all the way to food court, where she bought me one small (come on, when have you ever heard of PIG mum ever getting me something large, or even regular, sized anything?? XD) delicious chicken katsudon for lunch! Alas, she again only lemme drink water, but hey. I can wait till next Thursday night for my yummy drink.
-ugh, PIG mum's ordering me to go get the washing from outside. Well, fingers crossed I can bbl, else I've got UQ physio with Lisa toms, Aunty Lucia will come supervise my shower around 4pm and I'm off to pole's house for small group toms night.
Em. ^^

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